Latest Show News

June 2024 Members of the Show committee arranged an exhibit at St Mary’s Church for this year's Flower Festival. The exhibit was a recycled and updated version of the Show's "greenhouse in a wheelbarrow" that was part of the 2023 carnival procession. Photos of the exhibit can be found on the festivals and trees gallery page.

June 2024 Thanks to everyone who braved the showers and wind to visit our stand at this year's carnival. Also, thanks to those who donated items for the plant sale. Photos of our stand at the carnival can be found on the carnival gallery page.

March 2024 The Show Committee has finalised the 2024 Schedule which can be downloaded from this link. Hard copies will be available from the Village Shop or from committee members later in the spring. More information about the show can be found on the 2024 Show page including a summary of new or amended classes for 2024.

January 2024 The Show Committee has met and is preparing the 2024 schedule which should be published in the spring. In the meantime, please see the 2024 Show page for a sneak preview of some of the changes that the Committee is considering for 2024 and for more information about the Show.